About Us
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
The mission of Paradise High School is to work as a learning community to ensure that all students demonstrate high levels of academic achievement. Our school culture is focused on the shared commitment to be safe, respectful and responsible. We will work to empower and motivate all students to reach their learning potentials and to realize their personal visions for the future.
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes
We will provide a safe, enriched, student-centered learning environment where upon graduation, Paradise High School students will have the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to demonstrate:
Respectful of self, others, school and environment
Informed through finding, evaluating, and using information from a variety of sources
Safe personally, emotionally, and physically
Excellent in order to reach high levels of educational and academic success for all
United by understanding and honoring individual differences to work toward a common goal
Purposeful through engagement in learning and working towards a personal vision for the future
Respectful of self, others, school and environment
Informed through finding, evaluating, and using information from a variety of sources
Safe personally, emotionally, and physically
Excellent in order to reach high levels of educational and academic success for all
United by understanding and honoring individual differences to work toward a common goal
Purposeful through engagement in learning and working towards a personal vision for the future
Weather Cancellations
Weather Cancellations
For your convenience and the safety of our students Paradise High School uses an automated calling system which sends phone messages to households of students enrolled in our school. Additionally, you may turn on the radio or television for the latest information. PUSD officials notify local radio and television stations when school is canceled. This is an easy way to find out whether your student has class or not. Due to differing elevations, a storm may cancel just some of the district's schools or the entire district.
To find out the latest, tune in to these stations for school closure news:
To find out the latest, tune in to these stations for school closure news:

SARC-School Accountability Report Card
SARC-School Accountability Report Card
Every school in California is required by state law to publish a School Accountability Report Card (SARC), by February 1 of each year. The SARC contains information about the condition and performance of each California public school.
SPSA (School Plan for Student Achievement)
SPSA (School Plan for Student Achievement)

The School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a plan of action to improve student academic performance by coordinating all educational services and resources (https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/lc/documents/schoolplanwebinar.pdf)
WASC Accreditation
WASC Accreditation
WASC Accreditation

PHS is a WASC accredited school (Western Association of Schools and Colleges)
having received a full 6-year term in 2020-21. Please access report below:
having received a full 6-year term in 2020-21. Please access report below: